11:30 – 12:30
edited by Fondazione Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG
Free Entry

Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia Next

State of the art on the ISFVG brand. Developments and perspectives on the 2025 evolution • Numbers from 2020 to 2024 > Agrifood FVG
• Knowledge and value of the brand to date > University of Udine
• The economic value of sustainability > LegalNext
• Conclusions: 2025 evolution and advantages for companies



• Dott. Rovere Pierpaolo – Director Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG Foundation
• Prof. Geretto Enrico– University of Udine
• Dott. Bertossi Alberto – University of Udine
• Avv. Tonchia Pietro – LegalNext
• Dott. Sturlese Pier Giorgio – President Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG Foundation

14:00 – 15:00
edited by: Confcommercio Ascom Pordenone
Free Entry

Bilateral Bodies Presentation

A focus to inform participants about the opportunities offered by bilateral bodies in the sector, with particular attention to training services, work incentives and support for business development.
Objective: to strengthen the role of bilateral bodies as a point of reference for professional and business growth.

16:00 – 17:00
edited by: Make it Food
Free Entry

Menu Killer: turn it into a selling weapon

Food cost, menu engineering, design, storytelling and practical applications! The menu is a powerful sales tool if you know how to organize and structure it at its best.

10:00 – 11:00
edited by: Confcommercio Ascom Pordenone
Free Entry

Lavoro Chiaro – The Future of Public Establishments and Catering. CCNL Presentation.

Present in a clear and accessible way the innovations introduced by the new employment contract for the public establishments and catering sector.
Support companies in understanding and applying the new contract, preparing them for the next summer season with concrete tools.
The new contract is not just a regulatory update, but an opportunity to improve working relationships, offer better conditions to employees and face the summer season with greater organization, efficiency and mutual satisfaction.
• The main innovations of the new employment contract.
• The advantages for companies and workers.
• How to apply the new contract in a simple and clear way.
A clear and innovative contract for a successful season. Enhance your team, improve your business



Andrea Chiriatti
FIPE – Italian Federation of Public Establishments

11:30 – 12:30
edited by: MARTINI & ROSSI Gruppo Bacardi
Free Entry

MASTERCLASS MARTINI – Timeless Icon between history and innovation

A journey over more than 160 years of history, technique and passion that have made Martini an undisputed icon among the Italian aperitifs. We will discover the secrets of vermouth, the people who have contributed to its success and we will delve into the authentic recipe and the true history of the Americano Martini, exploring its tradition and innovation.



Federico Volpe

14:00 – 15:00
edited by: OTA Ordine dei Tecnologi Alimentari
Free Entry

Tailor-made and sustainable packaging: a winning investment for the future of the Horeca sector.

Use and attention to packaging materials in the HORECA sector, in particular illustrating the characteristics of use of some materials with reference to the “materials of the future”, including so-called “intelligent” packaging, biodegradable and compostable materials, and their benefits in terms of supply chain sustainability.

Furthermore, we would like to make a small focus on regulatory innovations in the field of packaging, in particular with reference to collective catering.


Council of the Order of Food Technologists of Friuli Venezia Giulia

16:00 – 17:00
edited by: Confcommercio Ascom Pordenone
Free Entry

Drink Smart & Campari Master Class – For Conscious and Quality Drinking

Promote the culture of responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages, raising awareness among the public and Ho.re.ca operators on the importance of a conscious, balanced and sustainable approach.
Drinking responsibly does not only mean limiting consumption, but learning to enhance the quality of drinking, transforming every experience into a moment of awareness and authentic pleasure.
The proposal combines training, awareness and active involvement of Ho.re.ca operators to become ambassadors of this message to their customers.
The quality of drinking is also measured by the awareness of choices.

10:00 – 11:00
edited by: Steva Hemp
Ingresso libero

Rethinking fabrics for sustainable hospitality

The hospitality industry has the opportunity to lead the change towards a more sustainable future. In this talk the environmental impact of the traditional textile industry will be addressed, outlining the importance of choosing natural and short supply chain materials. The use and management of owned linens within hospitality facilities will also be addressed. The benefits of alternative fabrics, such as hemp, will be examined, which not only increase guest well-being and reduce environmental impact, but also offer opportunities to optimize the operating costs involved in an in-house laundry.


Dott.ssa Gordana (Anna) Stevancevic

11:30 – 12:30
edited by: Make it Food
Free Entry

Artificial Intelligence to simplify your work: uses, applications, tools and new horizons

How AI can help in everyday work life by speeding up processes and easing tasks.

14:00 – 15:00
edited by: Willeasy
Free Entry

Customers have changed, good will is not enough

Analysis of the various needs of customers in the hospitality and restaurant sector. What are the expectations of customers with disabilities, with dietary needs, with pets, with children or the elderly.
The importance of training and the skills required.


William Del Negro

16:00- 17:00
edited by: Confcommercio Ascom Pordenone
Free Entry

Presentation of the “ContaTU” project

An inclusive initiative that aims to support diabetic customers and anyone who wants to monitor their diet, providing accurate carbohydrate counting and nutritional information on restaurant menus.
Goal: to make dining more accessible, improving the customer experience and responding to health and wellness needs.
In collaboration with Diabete Italia and Nutrition Table.


Nadine Trinco
Founder NT – Nutrition Table
Nutritional consultancy in the restaurant industry
Stefano Nervo

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